

Tongelresestraat 27
5613 Eindhoven NETHERLANDS

Opening hours

Contact details

Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00-17:00
Closed: New Year's Day (1 January)
Easter Sunday
Queen's Day (30 April)
Ascension Day
White Sunday
Christmas Day and Boxing Day
31 December

Tel: +31 402 444364


A tour of the DAF Museum will take visitors from one surprise to the next. The inventiveness that has been characteristic for DAF vehicles from 1928 till the present day will even captivate visitors who have no special knowledge of the subject.
The ground floor accommodates a pleasant village square, with shops from the 1930s, a welcoming pub, a period garage and, not to be forgotten, a replica of the Van Doornes' office. From here you can stroll around the museum to discover the many aspects of the DAF product.
The trucks are displayed downstairs and special attention is paid to the milestones in DAF's history. A special section is devoted to engines and it gives a good idea of the developments that have taken place over the years.
The upstairs gallery holds an extraordinary collection of cars, among which a number of interesting prototypes that were not taken into production.


Normal price: ?8.00
Adults: ?8.00
Groups, Students: ?6.00
Children (5 to 15 years old): ?3.00
Groups of 25 or more persons: appointment necessary

Other useful information

Disabled facilities: yes
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes

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